Atlas Timber & Hardwood is a Danish-owned trading company that operates throughout Europe. The business was founded in 1999. Since then, it has developed both geographically and in terms of the products it offers. Today, we are an international raw wood trading company, offering all European woods in a range of quality levels and types. We have experience in providing services to all types of customers, and in handling everything from small special orders to large deliveries of uniform, well-sorted timber.
Atlas Timber & Hardwood has representation in several European countries, and buys directly from privately and publicly owned forests. To ensure that our work meets the highest standards, we work only with professional actors in the market. Atlas Timber & Hardwood offers PEFC- and FSC®-certified raw woods.
We take a driven approach to optimising logistics in order to ensure rapid, trouble-free delivery. We understand the value of proper delivery at the right time, in the right place. Our job is to offer raw woods in a way that enables the buyer and seller alike to get the greatest value possible out of working with us.
Atlas Timber & Hardwood supports education and the sharing of knowledge in the forestry sector, since we believe that positive, long-term forest management begins with a solid education.

Atlas Timber & Hardwood has created a scholarship for bachelor’s theses as a part of the Forestry & Landscape Engineering degree programme. AtlasPrisen (“The Atlas Prize”) was created to strengthen students’ interest in traditional forestry, emphasising the production of wood in Denmark.
For that reason, only projects that encompass the economic, business, and forestry aspects of traditional commercial forestry will be considered.
In holistically evaluating the submitted theses, the specialised forestry aspect of each project will be given a higher weight than the formal and written presentation.
The prize, worth 20,000 DKK, is awarded once per year.
To be considered for AtlasPrisen, the thesis must have been awarded a grade of at least 10 on the seven-grade scale.
Atlas Timber & Hardwood selects the recipient of the prize from among the submitted theses, based on a professional evaluation by the thesis advisor and the head of the Forest and Landscape College (“Skovskolen” in Danish).